George Washington University is now pleading with DC police for help as student protesters begin calling for the beheading of school presidents and administrators (VIDEO) | The Gateway expert

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Pro-Hamas student demonstrators at George Washington University are now openly calling for the beheading of the school’s president and members of its board of trustees.

They allowed this situation to continue for too long and now it has gotten completely out of hand.

As you can see in the video below, these students are actually singing “Guillotine, Guillotine!”

NBC 15 News reports:

GW’s president says the school needs help from DC police as protesters call for beheadings

The president of George Washington University said late Sunday that her school needs the help of local police to restore law and order as anti-Israel camp activity continues.

GW President Ellen Granberg released a statement on Sunday denouncing the degeneration of the camp over the weekend. Granberg also said the school cannot restore order without the help of Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

“The demonstration, like many across the country, has grown into what can only be classified as an illegal and potentially dangerous occupation of GW property,” Gransberg said. “It is also essential to emphasize that this encampment was not legal at any time.”…

Last weekend, videos surfaced on social media of an encampment activity called “People’s Tribunal,” where GW protesters marched and sentenced senior university officials to death.

This mock court was held before the GWU board of directors and the school’s president, calling for these individuals to be beheaded.

“To the guillotine,” demonstrators said.

Watch below:

Does this seem normal to anyone?

See also  Prime Minister says escalation of conflict in the Middle East will not benefit anyone after Israeli attack on Iran

Do you think this is what the founders of George Washington University had in mind?

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