What is the ‘responsible quantum technologies’ movement? | Explained

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The United Nations recently said that 2025 will be declared the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ). There will be many events focusing on quantum science and technology (S&T), including to raise awareness of its concepts and explore its benefits to humanity.

The applications of quantum mechanics are an emerging technology, but quantum S&T has not yet captured public attention the way artificial intelligence (AI) or genome editing have. Nevertheless, quantum S&T applications in three domains – quantum computing, quantum sensors and quantum communications – are at different stages of development worldwide.

What is responsible quantum S&T?

Quantum S&T is part of many governments’ ‘S&T plans’ and is the subject of significant private sector investment. Four sectors – automotive, chemicals, financial services and life sciences – are expected to gain around $1.3 trillion in value from quantum S&T by 2035, according to an estimate by consultancy McKinsey last year. Among investments by countries, China leads with $10 billion in 2022, followed by the European Union and the US. India’s contribution currently stands at $730 million (Rs 6,100 crore).

The value of quantum S&T lies in transforming our ability to transmit and use information across sectors. But they also pose the risk of misuse due to the dual-use potential of technologies, such as weakening digital security.

Researchers and some governments have therefore called for the adoption of responsible quantum technologies to harness the value of quantum S&T while building public trust. This is why, for example, Britain’National Quantum Strategy states: “We will ensure that regulatory frameworks drive responsible innovation and deliver benefits for Britain, protecting and growing Britain’s economy and quantum capabilities.”

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What is quantum governance?

The World Economic Forum (WEF) was one of the first organizations to discuss quantum computing management. It is ‘Quantum governanceThe framework for this is based on the principles of transparency, inclusivity, accessibility, non-harm, fairness, accountability and the public interest. Members of the framework include those from national government agencies, academic institutions and private sector leaders (including in India).

The WEF’s goal here is to accelerate the development of responsible quantum computers by building trust in the technology during its development to prevent and mitigate potential risks. The merit of the framework is that it tackles responsible development in advance and not afterwards.

IBM, a major global player in quantum computing and a member of the WEF initiative, has also said that its efforts to develop quantum S&T will focus on making a positive social impact and building a diverse and inclusive quantum community. According to the company, the contracts prohibit the use of its quantum products in potentially harmful applications and encourage the development of technologies that can protect organizations against misuse of quantum computers.

The reality is of course not that simple. For example, a white paper published in the last week of June by Ernst & Young and the University of Oxford’s Responsible Technology Institute (RTI) warned against setting too high expectations and overestimating our understanding of ethical issues. In particular, it highlighted the gap between countries in quantum S&T capabilities and argued that a lack of access to talent and technologies could further widen the gap.

From a different perspective, a group of academics from the US, Canada and Europe recently submitted a proposal a different framework for responsible quantum technologies. Here the group proposed 10 principles to guide the applications of quantum S&T along with their RRI values. ‘RRI’ stands for ‘responsible research and information’, a concept and practice endorsed by the European Commission. Many institutions around the world, including funding agencies, have adopted it; it emphasizes ‘anticipation’, ‘reflection’, ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’, while foregrounding public engagement and ethical considerations.

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What do you want to land?

These frameworks and initiatives have largely emerged from researchers and are united in their focus on and intention to maintain openness. In contrast, national policies have favored frameworks that provide greater and stronger protection of intellectual property rights over quantum technologies.

For example, the US National Quantum Strategy is clear: “the government must work to secure relevant quantum research and development and intellectual property and to protect relevant enabling technologies and materials. Agencies responsible for promoting or protecting quantum technologies must understand the security implications.â€

Likewise, it may be naive to expect that the private sector – with its large investments and desire for patents and profits – will favor sharing and openness in the name of responsible quantum technologies. Exceptional circumstances may arise, but they will not be the norm. This is why the Open Quantum Institute, initiated by the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator and hosted by CERN, is important: it has private sector support and can, at least to some extent, work on quantum technologies for all.

What is the impact of policy?

Unfortunately, there are not yet many case studies on the impact of policy frameworks that have embedded responsible innovation in quantum S&T. One published by researchers at the University of Oxford in 2021 highlighted the need for a more detailed understanding of the UK government’s ‘responsibilities’.

But despite these challenges, the fact remains that researchers, private entities and governments have shown interest in thinking about the responsible dimension of quantum S&T development. The pursuit of responsible quantum technologies cannot be dismissed as a gimmick.

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This is encouraging, even if it is still unclear how and whether their involvement will translate into more meaningful policies and regulations.

Krishna Ravi Srinivas is an Adjunct Professor of Law, NALSAR University of Law Hyderabad; consultant, RIS, New Delhi; and Associate Professor, CeRAI, IIT Madras.

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