Trump’s impressive fundraising numbers are starting to worry Democrats and MSNBC (VIDEO) | The Gateway expert

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Then-President Donald Trump gives two thumbs up during a campaign rally for incumbent Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue ahead of the Senate runoffs in Dalton, Georgia on January 4, 2021. (Mandel Ngan – AFP / Getty Images)

Since the announcement of the sham verdict in New York, Trump’s fundraising has been on fire and his campaign has raised hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Democrats and the talking heads at MSNBC have noticed and are clearly concerned.

The far-left network recently reported on a Trump event in Silicon Valley, noting that it is traditionally a liberal stronghold.

Red state reports:

RedState has written about former President Donald Trump’s sudden fundraising success, which skyrocketed following his conviction at the Manhattan trial. On Thursday, an MSNBC panel speculated about it, talking in part about events in Silicon Valley.

The panel pointed to early fundraising figures after the verdict, including a large donation almost immediately after the sentencing. But what’s really great about the MSNBC speculation is the claim that President Biden was “too quiet for too long.” That’s rich, considering President Biden’s recent history says it all.

As the panel revealed, the former president had a series of fundraisers and rallies on the West Coast; In addition to the Silicon Valley fundraiser, Trump will host events in Beverly Hills and Newport Beach.

When asked about Trump’s support in the area, the on-the-ground correspondent, Dierdre Bosa, the host of CNBC’s “Tech Check,” referred to Silicon Valley as a “liberal bastion” — she’s not wrong — and shows some surprise when she saw someone wearing “full Republican gear.” It’s not clear what “full Republican gear” means, so we’ll have to take Ms. Bosa at her word.

Watch the video below:

This is the man organizing the Trump event mentioned in the report:

Something has shifted. If Trump can raise money in San Francisco, you know something has changed.

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