Study challenges a one-size-fits-all approach to vitamin D supplementation guidelines

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A recent study from scientists at Trinity College Dublin sheds light on the complexity of achieving optimal vitamin D status in diverse populations. Despite substantial research into the determinants of vitamin D, levels of vitamin D deficiency remain high.

The article, “Environmental ultraviolet B radiation, supplements, and other factors affect vitamin D status differently depending on ethnicity: a cross-sectional study,” was published in the journal Clinical nutrition.

Dr. Margaret M. Brennan, Research Assistant, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, School of Medicine, Trinity College and first author, said: “We hope this work can highlight the significant differences in vitamin D levels between different ethnic groups in the North. latitudes and contribute to efforts to address the long-standing public health problem of vitamin D deficiency.”

The authors analyzed data from half a million participants from the United Kingdom (UK) and calculated each person’s individualized estimate of ambient ultraviolet B (UVB) levels, the wavelength of sunlight that stimulates vitamin D synthesis in the body induces. skin.

A comprehensive analysis of the most important determinants of vitamin D and their interactions revealed new insights. The first key insight is that ambient UVB is emerging as a critical predictor of vitamin D status, even in a country like Britain, which receives relatively little sunlight.

The second is that age, gender, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol levels and vitamin D supplementation have a significant impact on how individuals respond to UVB. For example, as BMI and age increase, the amount of vitamin D produced in response to UVB decreases.

Professor Lina Zgaga, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, School of Medicine, Trinity College and Principal Investigator, said: “We believe our findings have significant implications for the development of tailored recommendations for vitamin D supplementation. study underlines the need to move away from a one-size-fits-all approach to personalized strategies for optimizing vitamin D status.”

Rasha Shraim, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, School of Medicine, Trinity College, and co-principal investigator of this study said: “Our research also highlights the effect that natural environmental factors, such as sunlight, can have on our health. We hope that Our approach encourages future researchers and public health agencies to integrate these factors into their work in health and disease.”

The authors hope that their manuscript will contribute to the ongoing discourse on vitamin D supplementation guidelines.

More information:
Margaret M. Brennan et al., Environmental Ultraviolet B Radiation, Supplements, and Other Factors Affect Vitamin D Status Differently Depending on Ethnicity: A Cross-Sectional Study, Clinical nutrition (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2024.04.006

Presented by Trinity College Dublin

Quote: Study challenges a one-size-fits-all approach to vitamin D supplementation guidelines (2024, May 3) retrieved May 4, 2024 from vitamin-d-supplementation .html

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