Researchers find a link between PFAS exposure in men and the health of their offspring

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Researchers from Wayne State University report new findings showing a link between exposure to per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in men and health problems in their offspring.

The study, “Mixtures of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) alter sperm methylation and long-term reprogramming of the liver and lipid transcriptome of offspring,” published recently arrived Environment Internationalassessed the effect of PFAS mixtures on the sperm methylome and transcriptional changes in metabolic tissues of offspring, such as in the liver and fat.

“PFAS research is important, especially in Michigan,” said Michael C. Petriello, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the Department of Pharmacology. “It’s been in the news recently because the EPA is finally starting to regulate PFAS chemicals and include them in the Clean Water Act.

“Communities across the country will have standards to meet. PFAS are linked to many chronic diseases and can affect inflammation and the immune system, for example. This work focuses on reproductive outcomes, fertility and offspring metabolism. The idea that Paternal exposure can affect the health of the offspring is entirely new.”

“Dr. Petriello’s previous work has shown that PFAS exposure has effects on cardio-metabolic health,” said J. Richard Pilsner, Ph.D., MPH, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, associate director of the C.S. Mott Center for Human Growth and Development and the Robert J. Sokol, MD Endowed Chair of Molecular Obstetrics and Gynecology.

“What my research has done is explore fathers’ exposures and how these can influence the next generation through sperm-related markers. Maternal health has always been in charge during pregnancy with regard to the health of the offspring. This research shows that the health of the environment before conception is also a key factor influencing the health and development of offspring.”

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The team’s results show that exposure to a mixture of old and newly emerging PFAS chemicals in adult male mice results in aberrant sperm methylation and altered gene expression of the liver and fat of offspring in a sex-specific manner. These data indicate that preconception PFAS exposure in males can be transmitted to influence phenotype in the next generation.

“I hope these findings promote an appreciation of male health for the development of their offspring,” Pilsner said. “In addition to female partners, clinical physicians advising male partners that their health before conception affects the health of their children would be an important change with a positive impact on future generations.”

“This groundbreaking research could have a significant impact on the way individuals in their communities view harmful chemicals, and ultimately the way medical professionals counsel their patients,” said Ezemenari M. Obasi, Ph.D., vice president for research at Wayne State. University.

“Our researchers play a critical role in exploring new methods to improve people’s well-being locally, nationally and beyond, and are an excellent example of how Wayne State is strengthening health in our neighborhoods and driving innovation with creative solutions to benefit public.”

More information:
DruAnne L. Maxwell et al., Mixtures of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) alter sperm methylation and long-term reprogramming of the liver and fat transcriptome of offspring, Environment International (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108577

Provided by Wayne State University

Quote: Researchers find link between PFAS exposure in men and the health of their offspring (2024, May 21), retrieved May 26, 2024 from -offspring. html

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