Reef tourism drives climate action

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Research from the University of Queensland has found that informing tourists visiting the Great Barrier Reef about climate impacts does not negatively impact their experience and can help encourage climate action.

The researchers interviewed 656 reef visitors about their experiences and behavior during boat trips.

Dr. Yolanda Waters from UQ’s School of the Environment said the results showed that climate change information was positively received by visitors.

“Educating visitors about the impact climate change has had on our marine environment does not detract from visitors’ enjoyment of the Great Barrier Reef – in fact we found it could do the opposite,” Dr Waters said.

“80 percent of participants wanted more information about climate change, especially about what they could do to help.”

Dr. Waters said the findings were a win-win for both the climate and the tourism industry.

“There is a perception in the tourism world that providing information about climate change can be divisive or ‘ruin’ people’s day, especially in places vulnerable to degradation,” she said.

“But our work shows there are opportunities for tourism operators to improve visitor experiences while promoting climate action.”

Five boat operators across Cairns and Townsville assisted in the research, with some of the tourists provided with climate information through a marine biology presentation, posters around the ship, a short informational video and regular mentions of climate change impacts and actions during the trip.

Adult passengers were then invited to complete a short five-minute survey during the return journey of the day trip.

Dr. Waters believes the work offers further opportunities to improve climate communication and effectively promote climate change engagement among tourists.

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“Tourism can be a powerful tool for climate action,” she said.

‘Our work shows that most tourists actually want more information, especially about how to take meaningful action.

“As the Great Barrier Reef faces escalating threats from climate change – highlighted by the Queensland Government’s latest Reef Outlook Report – the need for proactive action has never been more urgent.

“The reef’s fragile ecosystems are under significant pressure, and the way tourism responds to this could have a significant impact on both environmental outcomes and the sustainability of the future industry.”

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