New rapid method for determining virus infectivity

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A new method that can quickly determine whether a virus is contagious or non-contagious could revolutionize the response to future pandemics.

called FAIRY (Ffluorescence asay for vIRal IntegritY), the test can screen viruses for virucidal antivirals within minutes, allowing the effectiveness of antiviral measures such as disinfectants that break the chain of infection to be quickly determined.

Dr. Samuel Jones from the Birmingham School of Chemistry led the research team that developed the FAIRY test. He said: “On average, a new virus with pandemic potential is discovered every four years, and there are many more already known viruses that can cross the species barrier. But to our knowledge, there is currently no test that can determine whether a sample contains intact or non-intact viruses, and thus reveal whether it is infectious or non-infectious, without the need for cell culture which can take weeks.”

The current gold standard method for determining viral infectivity uses cultured cells, which takes many days to show results, requires specialized personnel to perform the tests and also requires a culturable cell line, which is not for all viruses is available. The need to use cultured cells also limits current techniques to antiviral agents that do not damage cells, making the discovery of new disinfectant solutions an additional challenge.

The new method uses a dye that can normally enter viruses through pores in the capsid (protein coat) that surrounds the genetic material (DNA or RNA). This dye is conjugated to a larger molecule, which prevents it from penetrating the capsid pores. When the dye binds to viral DNA or RNA, it produces a fluorescent signal.

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The resulting test shows whether the virus is intact and therefore infectious or not.

The researchers evaluated the effectiveness of the test using herpes simplex virus (HSV-2), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human rhinovirus-8 (HRV-8), human coronavirus OC43 (OC43), the chikungunya virus. (CHIKV), Dengue virus 1 and dengue virus 2, Zika virus and enterovirus 71 (EV71).

These viruses cover the spectrum of enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, as well as DNA and RNA viruses, truly demonstrating the potential of the FAIRY test. Viruses were treated with a wide range of chemicals with broad-spectrum virucidal activity, including hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, isopropanol and other antiviral agents, and these tests confirmed that the FAIRY test has potential for the rapid study of virucidal agents that destroy viral capsids.

Dr. Jones said: “This simple, low-cost test uses off-the-shelf consumables and can quickly screen multiple disinfectants and viruses, in a single microtiter plate test, for their ability to neutralize viral infectivity. It could have screened any disinfectant for antivirals. activity during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and thus ensure a faster response during the next pandemic.”

The FAIRY method is described in detail in an article published today in ACS Biomacromolecules.

The FAIRY test is based on research originally started at the University of Manchester. University of Birmingham Enterprise has filed a patent application covering the compounds, their methods and use in determining the viral integrity of virus samples. The company is now seeking commercial partners for licensing or collaboration and expects strong interest from companies using virus-killing ISO standard tests, testing/screening companies and contract research organizations.

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