Measuring effort per time or steps has similar health benefits, research suggests

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Exercise offers major health benefits whether people track their progress in minutes or steps, according to a new study published Monday that could set aside a long-standing debate among fitness enthusiasts about the best way to measure their workouts. sliders – leading researchers who argue that US officials should offer step-based activity goals in addition to time-based recommendations.

Key facts

The researchers followed more than 14,000 women participating in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Women’s Health Study between 2011 and 2022 and had to wear research-grade fitness equipment for seven consecutive days, removing them only to sleep or when immersed in water .

The participants exercised an average of 62 minutes per week and took an average of 5,183 steps per day, but the study found that both high step counts and minutes were associated with a reduced risk of death and heart disease, according to the study published Monday in JAMA. Internal medicine.

During a nine-year follow-up, the most active quarter of women – whether by steps or minutes – had a 30% to 40% risk reduction compared with the least active women, while participants in the top 75% survived. that were active at that time. the bottom 25% at 2.22 months (those with more minutes) and 2.36 months (those with more steps), regardless of BMI.

Large number

3.2 million. That is the number of people who die annually due to insufficient physical activity. according to to the World Health Organization. This is the fourth most common cause of death worldwide. About 23% of adults and 81% of school-age children are not active enough.

Crucial quotes

“As more people use smartwatches to track their steps and overall health, we saw how important it is to determine how step-based measurements compare to time-based goals as they relate to health outcomes – is one better than the other? other,” Dr. Rikuta Hamaya, lead author and researcher in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said in a statement.

Important background

That of the US health guidelines– which were updated in 2018 – recommend that people do at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week (such as brisk walking), or 75 minutes of vigorous activity such as jogging. These recommendations do not take into account the number of steps, and the researchers believe that stepwise exercise goals should be taken into account for future guidelines, in addition to time-based goals. Research has shown that walking 10,000 steps a day is linked to a lower risk of dementia and heart disease, but more studies have found that fewer steps may be needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Taking just over 2,300 steps a day has significant heart benefits, while every additional 1,000 steps above 4,000 reduces the risk of premature death by 15%, up to 20,000 steps, according to a 2023 study. study.

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Fitness and smartwatches can help you lose weight. Participants who wore research-grade fitness watches (which are not available to the public) lost an average of about 10 pounds in 12 weeks, while those who wore commercial watches like Fitbits and Apple Watches lost an average of six pounds, according to a 2021 study. Researchers believe that the fitness trackers help people lose weight because they are a constant reminder of people’s health-related goals, and they provide an easy way to keep track of these goals.

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