Jon Stewart, “Trump is the real cancel culture.”

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Jon Stewart called out the right’s fake cancel culture, pointing out that the only real source of cancel culture is Donald Trump.

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Stewart said on The Daily Show, “As irony goes, when it comes to cancel culture, it turns out that those who smell it have traded in it. There’s someone on the right canceling people, but the only one canceling people on the right is Donald Trump. And anyone who dares to speak out against him refused to believe in Trump’s stolen election claims, and you will lose your job, just like Liz Cheney and countless others. In fact, everything the right says ‘cancel culture’ is doing to them is actually being done by MAGA.”

After playing up numerous examples of Trump cancel culture, Jon Stewart closed the segment by saying, “The truth is, Trump is the real cancel culture, with emphasis on ‘Cult.’ Because on the right side you can say anything [bleep] You want to talk about gays and transgender people, from TikTok to Patreon. You can decry DEI from podcasts to, I don’t know, the Florida governor’s office, and chances are you’ll not only do well, but you’ll get a raise. But if you ever dare to say one iota against Donald Trump? Yes, be afraid!”


Jon Stewart was right. The real cancel culture is Donald Trump. The cult within the Republican Party will abolish anyone who dares to speak out. There have been examples of this through the daily marches of Republicans to the Manhattan courthouse, showing up to stand behind the beloved leader, hostage video style, while holding papers and rambling incoherent rants.

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We all know what would happen to any of these Republicans if they came to court, listened to the trial, then went out and told reporters that they think the ex-president is guilty. That person’s career in the Republican Party would be over immediately.

Donald Trump would cancel them, and so the former president keeps a stranglehold on one of the two major political parties in the United States.

Trump is cancel culture, and he will cancel anyone who dares to speak out against him.

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