Jeff Bezos’ Beleaguered Washington Post Accused of Pro-Hamas Bias

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An investigation of The free beacon found that at least six members of the Post’s foreign department previously wrote for Al Jazeera. They include the paper’s Middle East editor Jesse Mesner-Hage, who spent more than a decade as an editor at the paper’s English edition, London correspondent Louisa Loveluck, investigative journalist Evan Hill, visual enterprise editor Reem Akkad , WaPo Live host Libby Casey, and breaking news reporter Adela Suliman.

“The Al Jazeera-Washington Post pipeline raises ethical questions for an American newspaper that prides itself on being a bulwark against threats to ‘democracy,'” said Joe Simonson, a senior investigative journalist for the Washington Free Beacon.

He added: “One of the criticisms the newspaper has endured for evaporating both money and subscribers is that since Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, its coverage of the war in the Middle East has been sloppy , has been inaccurate and implacably hostile. to Israel.”

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