Innovation and freelancing | Global financial magazine

2 Min Read

FULL. 38 NO. 6

June 2024 cover

Is there a connection between freelancing or outsourcing and the world of innovation? This question occurred to me after reviewing the two main topics in this month’s issue. And the answer is definitively ‘Yes’.

Freelancing and talent outsourcing – the subject of this month’s cover story – is growing and becoming increasingly global, impacting different sectors, professions and ranks. The growth of freelancing is taking place in advanced and developing economies, small and large countries, and new and traditional jobs, and has attracted increasing attention from regulators. This trend, which is not new but has expanded enormously in recent years, is made possible by several innovations. It applies to traditional and non-traditional businesses, even virtual ones, so much so that many of us may be surprised by some of the details and statistics offered in Bill Hinchberger’s story.

Our annual Innovation Awards, which we present in this issue, offer a taste of the present and future of financial services. We commend banks and fintech companies for their specific innovations, as well as their extensive innovation efforts, and we also recognize the best in these areas on a region-by-region basis. Artificial intelligence (AI) is now and for the time being the dominant theme for everyone involved. However, the offers presented here are all aimed at solving specific problems, not potential problems. As a result, our prize selection presents some applications for AI in supply chain, logistics, data science, machine learning, marketing and talent outsourcing. And solve specific problems related to cash flow, liquidity management and supply chain efficiency.

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Again, as with freelancing, innovation is global in scope, but the winning solutions come from very different parts of the world and from financial institutions and fintech companies of all sizes. It’s worth repeating: innovation is the key to growth.

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Andrea Fiano | Editor at large

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