How to solve problems more naturally

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Many conflicts arise when people react to a situation rather than act. Most problems could be solved if people tried with a positive attitude. Here an action is accompanied by a positive attitude, while a reaction is accompanied by a negative attitude. You can easily judge someone by the way he approaches a conflict.

If he approaches it with a negative attitude, the conflict will worsen. However, if he approaches it with a positive attitude, the conflict will be resolved easily. Man is responsible for most problems. He often blames God for all his problems, when He alone is responsible for all these problems.

Most of man’s problems are due to his corrupt attitude. When a man attacks others negatively and with a bad attitude, he invites trouble for himself. Sometimes jealousy takes over and he breaks off his relationships with others.

Ultimately he blames God. Man makes mistakes and, for the most part, scapegoats God. As long as a man enjoys, he forgets God; But once the pressure starts to build, he remembers God and holds Him responsible for all his problems.

Man should be grateful to others and to God.

Moreover, humans usually react to problems, rather than acting on them. Man blames individuals for all problems, without looking for ideas to solve them. Man often wants an easy life and quick success and compromises on various things, ultimately blaming God for the consequences.

90:10 Principle

When one of my students wanted to share the 90:10 principle with me, I asked him to share it in front of other students so that they too could benefit from his knowledge.

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He said that 90 percent of problems can be solved by acting rather than reacting to the situation, and that 10 percent of problems are beyond human control. Therefore, we should not worry much about that 10 percent that comes from external forces and factors; but we need to quickly look at the 90 percent of problems that can be easily addressed with a proactive attitude and approach.

Treat every problem as a prospect and every lesson as a path to success.

Reaction vs response

People often miss the subtle difference between reacting and reacting. There is a difference between the two: the first word sends a negative message and the latter a positive message.

If people know the difference between the two and approach a situation with the intention of reacting rather than reacting to challenges, I am confident that most problems can be averted and conflicts resolved.

It is essential to respond rather than react, and to act rather than react to others. Both reacting and acting on problems sound better than reacting to them. By nature, most people react rather than react to adverse situations.

This turns out to be expensive afterwards. And most people are aware of this, so it’s a shame that people still act on impulse and regret it later.

Reacting often lets us down. However, with time, patience, and practice, you can make responding your primary method of dealing with difficult situations. When faced with problems, people often react instead of acting without thinking about it seriously and coldly, and this worsens the problem.

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Sometimes people magnify small problems and worry a lot, resulting in more provocative responses. Certain things in our lives are beyond our control. There is no point in reacting to such situations, and we can avoid it.

People often waste their precious energy worrying about things they have no control over.

Life is in your hands. You have to make a choice: respond or respond to a conflict or difficult situation. It is said that below average individuals talk about individuals, average individuals talk about problems, and above average individuals talk about ideas.

“Nothing can prevent the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing in the world can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” -Thomas Jefferson

Everything is present in the human mind and informs how an individual views a scenario and approaches to deal with it.

Your life depends on the path you choose and the decisions you make. Life is full of challenges and man faces problems from the cradle to the grave. Man’s troubles end the day he goes to his grave.

That’s why it’s essential to respond to problems rather than react. This is meaningful and makes your life peaceful and enjoyable. It also helps you to empathize with others when they have problems themselves.

Several wars have broken out because of the reactive attitude of our rulers. If the rulers had only acted with restraint, they could have avoided several wars. In the end, it was the people who were killed and the countries that suffered disasters.

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Therefore, the reaction is something that people should avoid. When people act instead of reacting, most of their problems are resolved naturally.

In conclusion, have a positive, right and strong attitude and learn to act rather than react to situations.

Finally, have an attitude of gratitude toward God.

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