How to save money by jumping between streaming services

6 Min Read

In just a few years, streaming services like Netflix and Spotify have transformed the way we consume media. We now rent access to catalogs of content instead of buying individual songs, movies and shows, and overall that has been a savings: tens of millions of songs for one monthly fee, for example.

However, you have to keep paying to keep watching or listening – and these streaming services continue to increase their prices over time. This means that it is becoming increasingly expensive to stay subscribed to everything.

One way to save money is to choose which services you sign up for each month. This works best for TV and movie platforms, but can also apply to music, podcasts, and audiobooks, if you can do without access for a certain amount of time. If you want to save money by jumping on subscriptions, there are some important points to consider.

Know your dates

When you unsubscribe from a streaming service, you will still get access for the remainder of the month you paid for. Plus, you can reactivate your subscription at any time, so you can take a few weeks off instead of the entire month.

Keeping track of these dates will ensure that you are aware of when your subscriptions start and end. For example, in the case of the video streamers, you can schedule your logins so that you always have something to watch, even if it’s a different library of content every month.

Keep an eye on the dates on which your subscriptions run. Screenshot: Disney

Know the rules

Streaming platforms don’t keep your personal data indefinitely, so after a certain period of time you won’t be able to recover your playlists or your viewing history. Make sure you know the expiration limits for each of the services you use.

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You may be told this information when you cancel a subscription, but you can usually find it elsewhere. With Netflix, for example you have 10 months to restart your old account before you need to create a new account. If you are unsure, please contact the streaming app support team directly.

If there is a free subscription offer (like Spotify), your data will be retained until you delete your account completely. You can still see your playlists and listening history, you just won’t have access to premium features.

Know what’s showing

This really only applies to movies and TV, but it helps to know what’s coming in and what’s going out on your favorite streaming platforms. This is often emphasized in the apps themselves, but there is also information on the Internet: keep sites like What’s on Disney Plus And What’s on Netflix.

This allows you to plan your subscriptions over time. For example, if you know that a must-watch show is coming to Apple TV Plus later this year, but there’s nothing on the platform that you want to watch right now, you can manage your signups accordingly.

Know the prices

Another thing to keep track of, and which is quite easy to do, is the prices each streaming service charges you. While these prices continue to increase over time, it’s helpful to know all your different subscription options.

Netflix, for example, now has that a plan with advertisements. Amazon Music has a selection of planswith different features and music catalogs depending on how much you want to spend and what you want to listen to.

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02 streaming service plans
You often have options when it comes to streaming plans. Screenshot: Netflix

Know your options

The more you know about your streaming services, the more effective your subscription shopping will be. Don’t assume you have to pay the regular price month after month to stay connected to your music, movies and shows.

There are free tiers available on certain music services, such as Spotify and Deezer, for example: do they give you enough functionality for what you need (at least for a few months, if not forever)?

Bundles are another way to save money (but be sure to check how long you’re committed). Look at Apple One, which might save you some money. Check your services and apps to see if there are any special offers available: you may be able to get a streaming service from your broadband provider, or mobile phone company.

A final option is a family subscription. If you live with other people, almost every streaming service offers a multi-member plan that you can split the costs over. It’s something else to think about when you calculate how much you spend each month and what services you work on. I’d like to jump in.

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