How holistic medicine can positively impact older adults

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The rising costs of healthcare are no secret to many elderly people. However, Western medicine often focuses on repairing what is already broken, rather than preventing disease. That’s where holistic medicine can benefit everyone, especially older adults.

Although many people avoid referring to “holistic medicine” as New Age mysticism, these techniques are backed by science. Many modalities are not-for-profit, so you can feel safe using them knowing that decades – sometimes centuries – of effectiveness back these methods, not a desire for quick riches. Let’s take a closer look at how holistic medicine can positively impact older adults.

What exactly is holistic medicine?

Those who work in mental health care understand better than anyone how life works circumstances in a patient’s life can affect their overall well-being more than any medical treatment. An antidepressant corrects chemical imbalances, but does not end poverty. However, teaching patients holistic techniques within their budget can complement traditional therapy sessions.

Holistic medicine evaluates the entire patient, including conditions that worsen the disease. It includes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of health. It treats the symptom that causes the most distress and the underlying causes that make it worse, leading to real healing rather than temporary relief.

For example, a patient visiting a holistic doctor for chronic pain and depression will undergo a lengthy interview. If it turns out that they rarely move their body or get fresh air, their doctor may recommend seemingly unconventional treatments, such as visiting a park several afternoons a week.

However, numerous studies show that spending more time outdoors provides the following benefits for people of all ages:

  • Preventing obesity: Getting outside increases your exercise, helping you tackle obesity and the depression that can come with feeling bad about your body size.
  • Maintaining healthy vitamin D levels: Vitamin D affects your immune response and mood.
  • Reduction of stress, anxiety and ADHD: Gazing at natural scenes reduces the production of stress hormones and improves focus.

While some holistic techniques come at a cost, such as a professional massage, many are free. You can visit a holistic practitioner to create a program that works for you. However, you can also create a personalized program yourself, including some of the good methods from the list below, without spending a dime on a consultation.

10 Types of Holistic Medicine for Older Adults

Holistic medicine is not as esoteric as the term sounds. These often involve common sense changes that improve overall health and reduce disease risk. Here are ten of the most common variations, although there are far too many modalities to fit into one article.

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1. Diet

The right diet can make a big difference in your overall health. If you suspect an allergy is behind your chronic symptoms, try elimination diets. Although many people have one of the big eightThere are lesser known allergies to certain oils or additives that can cause serious symptoms in some people.

Other holistic diet techniques work for everyone. For example, reducing consumption of ultra-processed foods and increasing intake of brightly colored fruits and vegetables is a plus for everyone. You may not need to make drastic changes to reap the benefits. A few rules of thumb that work quickly are:

  • Discard the white: White sugar and white flour are quickly absorbed and will cause your blood sugar to rise before it crashes. Neither is good for diabetes risk, and the Type 2 form increases the risk of other chronic diseases, especially among older adults.
  • Eat the rainbow: Different plant colors correlate with different phytonutrient profiles, so aim for at least three colors with each meal to get everything you need.
  • Watch your fats: You need healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids. Mono and polyunsaturated fats are generally heart healthy, although some doctors express concern about the high number of vegetable oils in the American diet. Olive and avocado are good choices, and the saturated fat in coconut oil seems to behave differently than that in animal products.

2. Exercise

Your body loves to move, but you lose this ability as you get older if you don’t use it. Regular exercise is essential for physical and mental health. The trick is to find a move you love and personalize it to your taste.

For example, many people find the buddy system effective in helping you achieve your goals. However, introverts who have recently been ordered back to the office may be overstimulated and thirsty for the relief that a long solo walk brings. Try an online quiz Discover your training personality and choose something that works for your unique and beautiful body.

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3. Acupuncture and acupressure

Acupuncture is an age-old technique. According to Eastern practitioners, it manipulates the chi or vital energy flow through your body. Western minds believe that the needles activate various nerve fibers to produce healing effects.

Although the needles used in acupuncture are so thin that most patients don’t feel them, it’s okay if you’re nervous. Acupressure uses similar pressure points, but no needles if you’re poke-phobic. Although practitioners must be licensed, most treatments cost $150 or less. You don’t need insurance, but yours may cover the treatment. Contact your insurance company to check this.

4. Massage

A good therapeutic massage loosens muscle knots and relieves stress. While there is little substitute for a professional rubdown, you can master some techniques that you can use on yourself or your partner.

There are also devices for self-massage. For example, many older adults enjoy leaning back in a massage chair. This devices improve your circulationtransporting oxygen-rich blood to the places where it is needed, such as the overworked muscles that support your spine.

5. Aromatherapy

Many people balk at aromatherapy, but there is some evidence that it works. How? It activates smell receptors in your nose that send messages to your brain and in turn send signals to the rest of your body. Studies show that it can relieve anxiety and strengthen the immune response. Best of all, you can buy a diffuser almost anywhere for under $20, and essential oils cost just a few dollars per bottle.

holistic medicine

6. Herbal medicine

Every medicine in the pharmacy comes from nature at some point. Although science has isolated certain compounds for medicinal purposes, these substances exist in various herbs with other beneficial nutrients that can make them even more effective for some people.

For example, some people with arthritis have had success with turmeric, black pepper, and ashwagandha tea. The black pepper enhances the anti-inflammatory effect from the curcumin in turmeric, and ashwagandha works as an adaptogen to combat the impact of oxidative stress on your joints.

7. Yoga

Yoga is a form of exercise that anyone can do at any age, but it is so much more. The combination of deep breathing and gentle movements activates your parasympathetic nervous system. That’s the side of your nervous system that helps you relax, and in many older adults it’s underactive, leading to disease.

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Some forms of yoga you could explore include:

  • Restorative yoga
  • Yin yoga
  • Hatha yoga
  • Ashtanga
  • Hot yoga
  • Power yoga
  • Chair-based yoga

8. Lifelong learning

Many older adults take up puzzles to prevent the cognitive decline that comes with aging. Anything that brings your brain into play can qualify as holistic medicine if done mindfully and with purpose.

For example, you can brush up on your French-speaking skills with a language learning app if you haven’t practiced since high school. Studies show that learning a second language can delay the onset of dementia.

old person

9. Social activities

Many older adults are plagued by loneliness, and it can increase their risk of dying from almost any disease. You may not think of socializing as holistic medicine, but it is. Humans have an innate need to interact with others, and isolation negatively impacts mental health.

Older adults can become isolated, especially when friends and partners die. They can maintain an active social life by:

  • Take a course in the library
  • Volunteer work
  • Get involved in local politics

10. Biofeedback

Professional biofeedback treatments can cost a pretty penny, but the technology is on your side. There’s a world of wearable devices, many of which you can use to download heart rate variability (HRV) training apps. Consider using one of these tools while making other lifestyle changes to get tangible results on how they impact your overall health.

The positive impact of holistic medicine on older adults

Holistic medicine treats the whole patient, including the lifestyle factors that influence disease development. They prevent and heal and offer a chance for real healing instead of temporary symptom relief.

Best of all, many holistic techniques are free, making them the perfect complementary therapy for physical or mental conditions. They work for people of any age and can especially benefit older adults who want to enjoy a better quality of life during their golden years.

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