Hooks, habits and why you can’t put your phone down

11 Min Read

How often do you go somewhere without your phone? And how do you feel when you go somewhere where there is no signal? Let’s face it: most of us would admit that not having our beloved devices at hand causes a lot of stress. And the statistics show it: studies show it nomophobiathe fear of being without our digital devices, impact on more than 90% from U.S!

But why have our smartphones become our constant companions? Are our devices and apps guilty of tricking us into spending more time online? Here’s how our digital sidekicks are designed to keep us hooked in more ways than we might realize — and how an unhealthy attachment to your devices can even ultimately impact your personal privacy and security.

Why am I addicted?

1. The convenience

There are around seven billion smartphones worldwide, accounting for approximately 85% of the world’s 8 billion population. And when you think about the different functions a smartphone can do, it’s no surprise that they are so popular. With the plethora of apps on the market, this handheld device can simplify the stress of your daily life, eliminate boredom and keep you connected. You can even experience an entire romantic relationship from your phone with the help of AI!

Mobile games let you entertain yourself on long train journeys and quiet nights alone, fighting bad guys, solving puzzles and scoring points. Fitness apps, meanwhile, can help you achieve your #newyearnewme goals. They can track your progress, discover new workouts and find motivation on those days when running doesn’t seem so appealing (and the chocolate cupboard does).

The list really is endless… And that’s part of the problem. Why wouldn’t we want to use these powerful tools to get fitter, build stronger connections and make those long, tough commutes more enjoyable?

But what we may not realize is that these apps have specific features designed to keep us coming back for more. While the average person spends more money three hours every day on their smartphoneit may be that our app usage extends beyond what is actually useful.

2. The infinite streams of content

What may have started as a “quick check” to see what’s happening in your digital sphere can lead to you disappearing down a content rabbit hole. Other news stories, posts and engaging videos automatically appear as you scroll to keep you interested. Without having to wait for more to load, it’s easy to lose track of time.

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And with unique algorithms that ensure what you see is similar to the posts and content you’ve previously engaged with, it’s no wonder you can’t turn away – even if it’s the seventh role of ‘dogs acting stupid’ that you saw that day. With TikTok, the proof is in the pudding, with the average person spending money 90 minutes a day on the app!

3. The instant gratification

You probably know the joy you feel when something you shared online receives multiple likes and comments from followers. And this feeling then drives you to want more. This social validation activates the brain’s reward system, a complex network that reinforces certain behaviors by releasing dopamine (the pleasure hormone).

You also get this dopamine release from other things, like eating chocolate or shopping, which is why you might eat an entire bag of treats or go into your overdraft (if this is you, find out how to safely can stay while you shop online here). If you can get the same rush on your device without spending a lot of money or following your new diet, why wouldn’t you?

4. The relentless notifications

Haven’t used your running tracker in a while? Don’t worry: your app will inform you about your competitor’s latest time during his morning run. When this notification pops up on your device, you feel drawn to explore it further (they couldn’t have been that fast anyway). And to avoid FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), return to the app later to track and compare your own run.

While notifications – like in this case – can encourage healthy habits to some extent, in other cases, like when a notification pops up saying your friend has posted a new Instagram story, it can put you back in that dopamine feedback loop of spend wasted hours scrolling. contents.

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5. The escapism

Whether you’re binge-watching the latest series or getting lost in photos of your favorite holiday destination, there’s no denying that smart devices provide an exciting portal to escape the stresses of everyday life. This relief from any negative feelings the average day brings stimulates further dopamine release (and the joy that comes with it), which then reinforces digging deeper into your great escape.

While this can be good and even necessary for some people to cool down and de-stress, if you reach a stage where you miss the excitement of real life, you may find it difficult to concentrate and become less productive. time to rethink those movie marathons.

The dangers of nomophobia

Now you understand a little better why you’re so attached to your devices, but how could this impact your overall health and well-being?

1. Lack of quality sleep

In addition to the anxiety and stress you may feel when you’re disconnected, which can impact your sleep quality anyway, the blue light your device emits can seriously impact your melatonin production, the hormone that helps you fall asleep fall. If you’re scrolling late, you might miss out on the quality rest you need — essential for a healthy immune system, cognitive function, and, let’s face it, an overall good mood.

2. Social isolation

Ironically, the many social media apps on our phones can actually take us away from our In-Real-Life (IRL) relationships. Think about it: when you go out to dinner with your friend, do you have your phone on the table in front of you? And do you look at it every minute to check for notifications?

This could mean that you are not fully engaged in your lunch date and are missing crucial body language cues that can help you further strengthen and connect. Your friend who is struggling through a difficult time at work, crying over their ex, or just wants to catch up may not be too impressed with the lack of attention you’re giving them. Balancing your online and offline social spheres is tricky, especially when those notifications keep buzzing.

3. Decreased concentration span

A constant stream of notifications, instant gratification, and the fast-paced nature of devices mean that our attention spans suffer. Why read a two-page document when we can only watch a 20-second video summary? Smartphones and devices are changing the way we consume information, both online and offline. This could potentially lead to reduced productivity at work or in education in the real world.

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So increased anxiety, sleep disruption, decreased concentration… it doesn’t sound positive. But when your device can deliver a world of escapism, education, entertainment and more in the palm of your hand, it’s all about finding the balance.

What about your privacy and security?

Lest we forget, it’s not a stretch to think that an unhealthy attachment to your technology can also eventually develop cause you to neglect your personal security and privacyto the point that you may engage in online behavior that is downright risky.

For starters, if you’re tired and struggling to concentrate, you’re more likely to not think before you click when a persuasive but malicious message lands in your inbox. You may also lose your guard in other situations, such as when you use free Wi-Fi networks without proper precautions, or you are more prone to reusing your passwords for many of your online accounts. The same goes for downloading a sketchy app that promises free access to the latest hit TV show. And the list could go on…

Additionally, children and teens are even more vulnerable to the dangers of the online world, so if you are a parent you may want to ensure that your own behavior reflects healthy use of technology. In addition to talking to your kids about healthy digital habits, you can take advantage of ESET parental controls to help you set boundaries so your children can get the most out of their connectivity in a safe and controlled way.

To help protect all members of the family, ESET Mobile Security is built on over 30 years of experience and research to ensure your devices and online world are protected wherever you are – even when the pull of the online world is a little too strong to resist.

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