‘Extraordinary levels’ of ice use during the Summer Olympics are not always based on evidence and are bad for the planet

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The use of ice in the Summer Olympics has reached ‘extraordinary levels’, but much of this is not based on evidence, and the amount of energy and water required to produce, store and transport the ice is not good for the nature. planet, not to mention its costs, argues a group of international researchers in an opinion piece, published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

About 22 tons of ice were delivered to the competition venues of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo for medical purposes. Another 42 tons were partly delivered to the homes of the Olympic Village via ice vending machines. But how much was actually used and how much was wasted is unknown, the editors explain.

But the demand for Paris 2023 far exceeds these figures, they say.

“The first estimate of Paris 2024 based on the initial requests from the international federations was 1,624 tons of ice, at a cost of €2.5 million. No independent seller could meet the public tender. This estimate was subsequently reduced to 650 tonnes (450 for the Olympic Games and 200 for the Paralympic Games),” they write.

Cryotherapy (ice treatment) in the form of ice packs, compression pumps, ice baths and cold water immersion is widely used by athletes and their support teams to manage injuries and illnesses and speed recovery, the editors note.

However, they point out: “Aside from the logistical challenges associated with production, transportation and storage, ice cream is often used to obtain benefits that are not evidence-based. More importantly, ice can have the opposite effect than expected, such as delayed ice production. tissue regeneration or impaired repair.”

For example, pooled data analyzes show that cold water immersion is better for muscle strength and the perception of recovery than active recovery, massage or contrast baths (warm water followed by cold), they explain. But recently published studies report that cooling reduces long-term strength adaptations and can harm performance after exercise.

Cold water immersion is good for rapid relief from heat exhaustion after exercise at high temperatures, for the relief of muscle soreness after prolonged exercise at normal temperatures, and is useful if muscle soreness is expected after several days of exercise, the editors advise.

But it should not be used for recovery between successive bouts of intense exercise, nor for immediate or long-term recovery after resistance exercise, they say.

Cold water immersion accounted for approximately 10% of treatments prescribed by physiotherapists at the Olympic outpatient clinics in Athens in 2004 and London in 2012, rising to 44% in Rio 2016 – mainly for recovery purposes (98%), and the remainder for injuries.

Ice is also often recommended for treating injuries, especially soft tissue injuries. But there is currently little evidence to support this approach, the editors note.

They conclude: “Ice use at the Summer Olympics has reached extraordinary levels, potentially putting pressure on local and regional resources. The sports and exercise medicine community needs better data on the actual amount of ice consumed at major sporting events, for what purposes and at what times.” financial and environmental costs.

“When planning ice provision, organizers should aim to minimize the use of non-evidence-based practices and promote better sustainability. However, ice should remain available for certain situations, including acute pain relief, specific recovery needs and management. of exertional heat stroke.”

More information:
Ice challenge during last summer’s Olympic Games, British Journal of Sports Medicine (2024). DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108664

Provided by British Medical Journal

Quote: Opinion: ‘Extraordinary levels’ of ice use during the Summer Olympics are not always evidence-based and bad for the planet (2024, July 25) retrieved July 25, 2024 from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-07- opinion- extraordinary-ice-summer olympics.html

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