During a heat wave, high indoor temperatures can also be dangerous

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During warm weather — like the spate of 90-plus degree days Philly will experience this week — most of the public’s attention will be on skyrocketing outside temperatures that can cause serious medical complications like heat stroke.

But for many people, especially those without access to air conditioning, indoor temperatures can also become dangerous, said Leah Schinasi, an assistant professor of environmental and occupational health at Drexel University.

In a recently published article on the study of indoor overheating, Schinasi and other Drexel researchers noted that many vulnerable people, including the very old and young, spend most of their time indoors but may not be able to adequately protect their homes. cooling in a heat wave. golf.

The findings are published in the news Heliyon.

“It can actually get warmer inside than outside, and this is a very important environmental justice issue,” Schinasi said. “Many lower-income people do not have access to an air conditioning system, and if they do, many cannot afford the energy costs associated with using it.”

That can lead to dangerously high temperatures inside, which can have a significant impact on a person’s health, the study authors wrote. Overheating indoors can lead to heart and breathing problems, a higher risk of blood clots and reduced kidney function, among other things.

Extreme heat causes more deaths on average than any other extreme weather event in the United States, the researchers noted, highlighting a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“It is important to emphasize that heat is a danger to human health. Historically, heat has not been recognized as a danger to the environment,” Schinasi said.

Not enough research has been done on the dangers of high indoor temperatures, she added. She said it is critical that public health officials consider the needs of people who cannot shelter in an air-conditioned home during a heat wave.

How to tackle the city’s ‘heat islands’

During heat waves, people can close their blinds to block out some radiant heat, stay hydrated, wear light clothing and shower to cool off. Some people will need to find cool locations outside their homes, like the cooling centers that health officials in Philadelphia open during heat emergencies.

People should also consider checking on neighbors who live alone and may not have adequate air conditioning. (The study found that older people sometimes have difficulty perceiving how hot it is and may not realize they are at risk of adverse health effects.)

And cities must take long-term steps to combat the “heat island” effect, which makes it extremely difficult for city residents to weather a heat wave.

Neighborhoods in Philadelphia without lots of shade from trees and older homes can be difficult to keep cool. Schinasi said, “Think of those brick row houses, old homes that are extremely close together, similar to an oven – they can get very, very hot. And the flat, dark roofs that we see in certain parts of Philadelphia absorb rather than reflect radiant heat and can contribute to extremely high indoor temperatures.”

Planting trees or building structures that produce shade can lower the temperature of the sidewalk. Dark sidewalks can be painted in lighter colors so that they reflect heat rather than absorb it.

And, she said, officials should consider offering air conditioning systems to those without air conditioning and subsidizing cooling costs in the summer. Pennsylvania has a program that allows eligible residents to get free air conditioners; a similar program in New Jersey helps residents cover utility bills.

“We need to think about ways to make living environments safer,” Schinasi said. “People who lack resources and social support will be the people who will bear the burden during a heat wave.”

More information:
Chima Cyril Hampo et al., Surviving Indoor Heat Stress in the United States: A Comprehensive Review Investigating the Impact of Overheating on Occupants’ Thermal Comfort, Health, and Socioeconomic Factors, Heliyon (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25801

2024 The Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Quote: During a heat wave, high indoor temperatures can also prove dangerous (2024, June 19) Retrieved June 19, 2024 from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-06-high-indoor-temperatures-dangerous.html

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