Bette Midler reveals why she never sleeps with her husband

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She continued: “Listening is very difficult. And compromises. Compromising is the hardest thing of all… sometimes you have to say, ‘It’s not worth it. The fight isn’t worth it. You have your way and maybe next Thursday I’ll get mine.” Keep supporting each other. That is also difficult.”

“It’s best to choose your battles wisely and just meditate. Stay calm. Don’t go from zero to 60 in two seconds. Just stay calm and try to breathe. Breathing is very important.”

“Don’t sell each other short. Don’t diminish each other. Don’t try to prove each other wrong all the time. Don’t blame. Stop assigning blame. I think blaming is the worst thing. It’s so [easy to do]because you don’t want to carry the burden yourself. You want to blame it on someone else. But honestly, you have to learn not to do that.”

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