A dog’s puppyhood can cause “puppy blues” reminiscent of baby blues

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Taking home a puppy is usually a happy event, but sometimes the life change that comes with it can cause significant negative emotions. Researchers found that nearly half of dog owners experience anxiety, fatigue, or frustration during their dog’s puppyhood.

According to a study at the University of Helsinki, some dog owners experience feelings similar to the postnatal baby blues – a short-term drop in mood and melancholy – when their dog is a puppy. Caring for a puppy brings all kinds of worries, fears and frustrations, and it can be difficult to bond with the dog.

“The research found that these so-called ‘puppy blues’ manifest in three ways: anxiety, frustration and fatigue. These often occur simultaneously, but in some cases one or two of the three can be particularly prominent,” says psychologist and doctoral student researcher. Aada Ståhl.

A concerned puppy owner’s thoughts are colored by concerns about the puppy’s well-being and development, as well as their own inability to care for their dog. Owners can blame themselves when things don’t go as planned.

A frustrated puppy owner may experience dissatisfaction and stress due to the strain and unexpected challenges that come with caring for a puppy. They may find it difficult to form an emotional bond with the puppy, wish they had never gotten the puppy and consider giving up the dog.

For the exhausted puppy owner, puppyhood is a time of mental and physical strain. They may have trouble sleeping and find the constant attention and time the puppy requires tiring and frightening.

Just under half of owners report having significant negative experiences during their dog’s puppy stage, with only about a tenth reporting the most severe levels of stress. This corresponds to the prevalence of postnatal depression. However, the negative feelings disappear relatively quickly,” says Professor Hannes Lohi.

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An interesting finding was that the longer the time had passed since puppyhood, the more positively people remembered it. In other words, the negative emotional content of memories of puppyhood “fades” over time.

A phenomenon known to dog owners is now measurable for further research

The study first collected the experiences of more than 100 dog owners who had experienced emotional tension after bringing a puppy into their home. Based on this data, a study was developed to measure the ‘puppy blues’. The new survey collected responses from more than 2,000 dog owners, with measures taken to ensure the validity and reliability of the survey.

“Capturing the phenomenon in a measurable form is important if we want to better understand its characteristics, prevalence and duration. This will also allow us to better understand the factors that may predispose owners to or protect them from the ‘puppy blues’, which will help us develop prevention and support measures,” says Ståhl.

The study represents a new opening in the study of the relationship between humans and pets. Although the term ‘puppy blues’ is often used among dog owners, extensive research on the subject had not previously been conducted. Exploring this phenomenon will raise awareness, which can help people prepare for negative feelings and better recognize and understand their own experiences.

The research is part of a broader project by Professor Hannes Lohi’s research group, which investigates the relationship between owner and animal and its importance for welfare.

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